Fasolada is the classic Greek dish cooked with a variety of vegetables . This is a light calorie version. Along with the bean soup, combine baked giant beans.
Χρόνος Προετοιμασίας:
Χρόνος Μαγειρέματος:
Χρόνος Εκτέλεσης:
Βαθμός Δυσκολίας:
- 500 gr. white beans
- 6 tbsp. olive oil
- 1 chopped onion
- 1-2 cloves chopped garlic (optional)
- 1 celery root, cut in small pieces
- 2-3 carrots in thin slices
- 1 chopped red pepper1 chopped green pepper1 tbsp. sweet paprika350 gr. slightly concentrated tomato juice2 bay leaves1 tbsp. dried thymeSalt, pepper3 tbsp. parsley
- Soak the beans in plenty of cold water with a little bit of salt overnight (about 8 hours)
- Next morning drain and rinse them, and drain them again.
- Cover well with clean water and put them on a medium to low heat. Bring to boil and then simmer for about 20 minutes, so that they soften without boiling completely.
- Drain and discard this water.
- Put the oil in the same pot and sauté the onion over medium heat until translucent. Then sauté the garlic for 1΄.
- Add the peppers, carrots and celery and stir for 10΄ until the vegetables are soft.
- Then add the tomato juice, paprika, bay leaf and thyme and bring to boil.
- About halfway through the cooking time, add the salt.
- Cooking time may be 60΄-75΄mins. depending on the beans. If necessary, add boiling water during cooking.
- At the end, add the parsley and freshly ground pepper.
Cook’s Tip
For a thicker bean soup, beat 1-2 tablespoons of the prepared soup in a blender and pour back in the pot. • It can be served with a sprinkling of boukovo on top.
Doctor’s Tip
Throwing away the first water the beans first boil in, probably reduces “bloating”.